聽音就好 內文字取自觀世音菩薩普門品 欲精進同修們 請深入經藏翻開經書讀經 請點選小鈴噹,按讚及訂閱!給人信心就會讓宇宙的能量再回到自己身上。萬般皆感恩
Just listen. The text is taken from the Universal Gate Chapter of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Those who wish to practice diligently, please delve into the sutra treasury and open the sutra to read it. Please click the little bell, like, and subscribe! Giving others confidence will allow the energy of the universe to return to you. Be grateful for everything.
#聽音就好 #觀世音菩薩 #普門品 #同修 #深入經藏 #翻開經書 #讀經 #請點選小鈴噹 #按讚 #訂閱 #給人信心 #宇宙的能量再回到自己身上 #萬般皆感恩 #Just Listen #Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva #Universal Gate Chapter #Fellow Practitioners #Delve Into Sutra Treasury #Open TheSutra #Read The Sutra #Click The Bell #Like #Subscribe #Give Others Confidence #Universal Energy Returns To You #Be Grateful For Everything
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